Collision Avoidance System to Improve Safety

We were delighted to take part recently in a roundtable discussion with other leading marine industry players titled: ‘Leading Technologies in Yacht Navigation’.

SEA.AI Engages in Yacht Navigation with Collision Avoidance System

At SEA.AI we are always happy to help spread the message about how the use of marine collision avoidance system like ours can improve safety levels in both the leisure and commercial marine environment. 

That’s why we were delighted to take part recently in a roundtable discussion with other leading marine industry players titled: ‘Leading Technologies in Yacht Navigation’. 

During the online session hosted by marine industry authority Rick Thomas – president of yacht management company JMS Yachting USA – SEA.AI managing partner Christoph Ballin was joined by Matthew Zimmerman, founder and CEO of forward-looking sonar company, FarSounder, and Todd Allen, regional manager at digital chart systems supplier, NAVTOR. 

Collision Avoidance of two boats
Photo credit: ©SEA.AI

Although each company promotes a different approach to improving safety at sea, as the discussion soon revealed, the solutions are nevertheless very much complementary and can easily be used in conjunction with one another. 

Watch the video to find out more.

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