SEA.AI appoints new CEO

SEA.AI continues growth path with appointment of new CEO Marcus Warrelmann.

Marcus Warrelmann is announced as CEO of SEA.AI, with company founder Raphael Biancale taking on the role of CTO. Dr. Christoph Ballin is to remain on the company’s advisory board as a shareholder.

Marcus Warrelmann New CEO SEA.AI

SEA.AI has reconfigured its senior management team with the appointment of Marcus Warrelmann as CEO. Going forward, Warrelmann and company founder Raphael Biancale – in the role of CTO – will make up the senior management. Former managing partner, Dr. Christoph Ballin will remain on the company’s advisory board as a shareholder and continue to support the new management team with his extensive industry expertise.

“In recent years, we have developed the company from a technology provider to a high-growth innovation company specializing in the early detection of objects in the marine environment,” said Stephan Schambach of the advisory board and a SEA.AI shareholder.

“We would like to thank Dr. Ballin for his expert assistance in that important early phase and we are pleased to have him continue as a member of the advisory board and as a shareholder in the company. We look forward to continuing SEA.AI’s growth path together with Marcus Warrelmann.”

Marcus Warrelmann was previously managing director of Flex Automotive GmbH and chief sales officer of Joyson Safety Systems. In these management positions, he was able to realise high growth rates, while expanding strategic relationships and building up substantial new markets. At SEA.AI, he will be responsible for sales, marketing, finance, & human resources.

SEA.AI founder Raphael Biancale will continue to be responsible for the company’s research and development, as well as its supply chain and product management functions.

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